Monday, August 06, 2007

We're A Nation of Bugs!

I try to avoid as much unpleasant things in my life as possible. One of the more unpleasant things in life is hearing about celebrities private lives. Who frickin cares?!!!? Especially celebrities that don't do anything. If it's not Paris Hilton, it's Linsey Lohan, and this week it's Nicole Ritchie. It's like a relay race of useless gossip, and their uniform? Those god awful ugly bug eyed sun glasses they wear wherever they go. These are the giant shoulder pads of the 21st century, a fashion faux pas that's embraced by the rich and the wanabees on the beaches.

These ladies have the same fashion sense of Harry Carey, only with tinted lens. And they're smug about it!

His excuse is that he's senile and has been dead for ten years. Why would they pay good money to look like him? Talk about buyers beware.

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