Me, I thought the joke was a good pun, but a bit anachronistic. I was into reading old New Yorker cartoons and they had many jokes about the KKK. Still, I couldn't let the joke die. A few years later my pal, Al Nickerson was putting out the comic, the ARGGH!!! Chronicles, in which he wanted a few contributions from his friends including me. I offered a few Pipe Dreams cartoons and other cartoons. I included some others including the KKKMart strip. He politely told me that he and others thought maybe it wouldn't be a good idea. I think they were afraid of the possible racism in the gag.
I thought about this strip recently and found it when I was cleaning up my room today. So here it is in its black and white gl

In retrospect, I should have included more sign gags.
I like it.
But I do love a good Jesus joke.
Yeah, they were in the lines of what a Cathlic church would look like if Jesus had been hung. Although years later I heard Bill Hicks make a similar joke (years earlier) about JFK and people wearing a rifle in respect.
Ya know, I totally forgot about that KKKMart strip.
With a few exceptions, I tend to only enjoy all-ages comics. I seem to only work on all-ages comics, as well, whether they are for Archie, or DC, or are my creator-owned comics (like The ARGGH!!! Chronicles). The KKKMart strip does seem kinda racy (no pun intended). So, it doesn't surprise me that I would have asked you submit another strip for ARGGH!!!.
Now, that might sound kinda silly since I am a huge supporter of Free Speech and The Comic Book Legal Defense. I have worked on two projects benefiting the CBLDF including More Fund Comics and Even More Fund Comics. Still, those two books were all-ages anthologies.
I’m sorry if I upset you concerning the KKKMart strip, Scan. Hopefully, I was polite when I asked you to replace the strip. :) I vaguely even remember the incident.
Like I said in the blog, even Matt Asher a guy who is about as tolerant and even confrontational as they come, rejected the strip. So, I submitted it to ARRGH merely to see if I could slip it by you. The only thing i was upset about was the fact I could not find the strip in my pile of old stuff.
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