Sunday, May 27, 2007

It Can Get Worse

So, I am going through my mind crap about the end of my relationship with Scangirl. I'm also needed to have to move out of my apartment because I can't afford to sign another full year lease. My mind is like a superball bouncing in my head with negative thoughts and it made for a lot of grief and despair.

Unfortunately my unhidden despair led to the loss of my job. A job I hated to be sure, but the added stress of having to look for a substandard job just to get by is going to be rough along with looking for a crappier apartment and if ever I can, a girlfriend.

I wondered, before i got fired today if things can get worse, and there you are, it did. I would cry unfair, but I deserved to be fired.

Crisis=Opportunity, Crisis=Opportunity,Crisis=Opportunity, Crisis=Opportunity

I might actually believe that.

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