Friday, September 21, 2007

Who's that dude pressed against the wall?

I have been reading this guy's blog about his time at Sloane House. It coincided with my last two years there, so I was curious if there were any shared experiences there. He is very good at describing accurately what Sloane House was like with the added bonus of being a new immigrant to the US at the time he arrived at Sloane House. In doing a google search, since there is no Sloane House entry in Wikipedia, I found out that Tip O'Neill and Bob Fosse spent time there.

I digress...

Here's a typical picture in the men's room on the 10th floor of Sloane House. I am in contact with every one in the picture and have seen everyone in the picture within the last two years. Except for one guy.

The guy on the far right is what I like to call a "hanger-on", not really part of the "PIC Clique". We were a clique, really the only clique I belonged to, and typical of us, we were not exclusive in anyway, so we would hang out with anyone who would hang out with us.

I remember the guy on the right, remember he was from Oklahoma, but that is it. I don't remember his name.

I wonder what he's up to?


AlNickerson said...

I remember that shoot. I also remember that guy, but not his name.

Although, I wonder what ever became of Bill (Five Bucks) Munsell.

Scanman said...

Another Okie who was not at SVA during that time. I believe Crutches has a pitcher of him.

AlNickerson said...

I have a ton of photos of "Five Bucks" Bill during that photo shoot in Sean's room at the end of Year One.

I'm trying to track down Bill on the old InterWeb.

Scanman said...

It all started here.....