It's been two weeks since Hurricane Sandy swept in and people in the New Jersey and New York area are still reeling from the after effects. No power, No house, and no running water. Myself? I didn't fare too badly. However, At the time I didn't think I had it good. Here's a day by day account of what I went through in Union, New Jersey.
Sunday October 28, 2012: The weather reports about a "super storm" Sandy are relentless. They call it a "Frankenstorm". Ahhhh, because it's near Halloween. Anyway, I'm at work at the airport. It's a bit busy with anticipation of the coming storm. A lot of flights are leaving early but the checkpoint I work at is not really affected. People are coming in early and no flights are canceled for Sunday. My supervisor didn't make it in because he lives at the shore. We have a good view of the skies outside. the skies look the same as they have for 5 days. Completely white-grey. The wind is mild. I'm thinking the storm is going to be mild in our area. However, We were told that the airport is going to be closed on Monday. Towards the end of my shift. The flight crew from Singapore Airlines arrives signalling the end of my shift is near.
Monday October 29, 2012: The day starts with storm anticipation. The airport is closed and we're allowed to call-out and not penalized. I did. I wandered around most of the day. The skies were getting dark for much of the day and the winds were starting to pick up. I didn't think it was too bad. But then again I thought that the storm was going to hit already. I decided to do nothing during the day. Not even constructive things. Well, I vacuumed a bit, and washed my dishes. I buy a six pack of beer. I drank some while watching movies on TCM. I stayed on facebook a lot to hear what everyone who are on the path of the storm were up to while drinking more beer.
The evening comes and now I'm hearing stories. News about bridge closings in the area. The shore is being hit hard. I turn to News 12 New Jersey and I'm getting great stories. I buy a second six pack of beer. I call my mom to see how she's doing, She was fine. I call my brother when I was well beyond feeling the buzz. The playset he built for his son Sean got smashed by a falling tree. It was a harbinger of things to come in the area. I got off the phone with him noticeably drunk. I grabbed a tenth bottle of beer, dropped it on the floor, crudely swept up the pieces and grabbed another beer. I staggered to my chair looked at the screen and lights went out. Damn my place gets dark. I really wasn't noticing the wind outside. I did notice that there wasn't much rain. Last year with Irene, the rain was the real problem. Nearby towns got flooded big time. So I'm thinking that Hurricane Sandy ain't gonna be too bad. Anyway, with the lights going out before 9PM, there was no point in staying awake. I plopped down to bed and quickly fell asleep in a somewhat drunken stupor.
Tuesday October 30, 2012: I woke up at 8AM feeling pretty good but needing to pee. I go to the bathroom but I am unable to turn on the light. That's not unusual because I have a convoluted light switch. I went to the fridge to grab some water and saw that it was dark. Riiiiiiiiight, the lights went out. Anyway, It's my day off so I grabbed my coffee cup to get some coffee at Quick-Chek. That's when I noticed the whole neighborhood was dark, the traffic light were out and all stores were out of power including the Quick-Chek.
Bummer. So, what to do? Well, the usual. I'll take a walk around the neighborhood and see what's up. That's when I saw the trees. Last year, the hurricane knocked down a lot of branches, this time it knocked down whole trees! I mean big trees. Many that were 80 plus years old with a trunk diameter of more than 18". And the damage they did! Whole streets were closed due to the collapse of these trees. Many electrical and telephone wires were knocked down. Cars and pick up trucks were destroyed. I get home after the walk around the neighborhood. I was reading the book "Ayn Rand Nation" by Gary Weiss and got angry and needed to take another walk. I walked towards Elizabeth. I decided not to drive because I foolishly left my car near empty. The debris on the ground made bike riding a risky venture. So I walked on Morris Avenue towards Elizabeth. Nothing was open. No power in any store. The diners were closed, No coffee for me.
I went home, read some more and continued to get annoyed by the book I was reading. I took another walk. Went by the local Stop and Shop and got briefly excited to see the traffic light at work. Ahh, Damn it, It's running on a generator. The Stop and Shop is opened but in limited capacity. None of the refrigeration is working and the rest of the products are being swept off the shops. It's looking a bit desperate but I buy some Halloween candy for tomorrow. My cell phone isn't able to get through to several people I needed to talk to. I was finally able to contact a friend via texting near the end of the day to let him know I wasn't able to get my Tuesday sing-on. I took another walk around right around darktime in hopes that the electric power will come back on when I got back. It didn't. I made "fajitas" with the meat I had in the fridge before it got spoiled. I didn't lose my gas but needed a match to light my stove. I didn't dare light my oven. It was an adventure because my kitchen is dark even in the daytime and completely dark at night. Id didn't want to waste flashlight power in cooking. I ate and I started reading a few of my old comic books with a flashlight. It was then I decided to go to sleep. It was 8PM.
Wednesday October 31, 2012: I woke up very early. It was 4AM, The time I used to get up for my job. The streets were extremely dark. No lights anywhere, It was scary. No cars out on the road either except for a police car who shined his spotlight on me but moved on. I must have had the right look to have him not confront me. Anyway, I took to walking the side streets so's not to attract more attention. I was reminded by an article I read recently talking about superstitions in the days before artificial light. the darkness was so complete at times. It was scary but thrilling. Still I went home to rest and read.
It didn't last long. I already had a full eight hours sleep. That's two more hours than I usually get. So I got restless again and took another walk. It was 6:30AM and the lights were still out but the full moon was shining spectacularly bright. I was able to see stars in a way I haven't seen for years. Cars were out on the road as the first steps to normalcy began. I walked towards Millburn to see how they made out. I only made it as far as the bridge over I-78. Huge knocked down trees destroyed telephone poles and utility wires as it blocked Vaux Hall Road on the way to Millburn. I wandered around until dawn arose and it was quite nice. The skies were clear for the first time in more than a week. I came home to a house that still had no power. I read some more but I grew restless and went for a bike ride west on Rt. 22 to see if anyone, anyone had power. A scattering of businesses were opened including a Burger King but the gas stations were either shut down or out of gas. This was a harbinger of the next crisis in the area.
When I got home I read some, got bored and took a walk. I was wondering if any gas stations on the Garden State Parkway were open. The Sunoco by me was opened but it was apparent that a crisis was afoot. the lines were ridiculously long, Reminiscent of the 1970s gas crisis. I saw a much shorter line of people with gas cans getting gas. I thought that was a good idea. I wanted to go out to O'Haras for Halloween in costume to sing devil related songs. I was looking very forward to it. But I needed gas to get to Jersey City. I have no idea how badly they got hit so I had to make sure I had enough. I didn't have my own gas can but there was a Lowes nearby so hoping against hope I went there to get a gas can. No such luck.
I walked home again but it soon be apparent I would not make it to JC. The power hadn't come on in the neighborhood so I wouldn't be able to take advantage of the local gas stations who couldn't sell gas without power. I became sad, I resigned to my no Halloween fate. It was getting dark I had some vegan chili in my fridge that would go bad soon so I ate a whole lot of it on my porch. I then dressed up in my devil cape with my Guy Fawkes mask waiting to see if any kids would come by trick or treating. They didn't. I took in the darkness in the somewhat warm weather until I got too bored. The noise of some people's generators started to annoy me. I went in my car to charge my phone and listened to the news on the
radio. I heard Chris Christie speak and was somewhat impressed. He
mentioned much of the damage that occurred and made common sense in what
people needed to do. Mind you I won't vote for him ever. But if he
somehow got past the Republican presidential primary of 2016 and beats the Democratic candidate, It won't be devastating. I talked to my mom finally and texted my brother and two friends. I then went inside and went to bed. It was 9PM.
Thursday November 1, 2012: I woke up, no power. My boredom was getting out of hand. Walking around was getting old and Stop and Shop was getting depressing with most of the products off the shelf. I had enough food but it was cereal, popcorn and other non perishables. There was one newly revived sign of life. The buses were finally running. I had promised an old friend who was visiting fro the Marathon. I would meet her in the city but I didn't have her number. Still, I needed something to do so I took the bus into the city. Actually it was my only option. I couldn't drive in with my lack of gas and the fact cars were restricted from going in the city. I couldn't go to Jersey City because the PATH trains weren't running. So I bought a ticket in a small market and bought a Star-Ledger to read on the way in. I wasn't able to buy newspapers the two days before. That's what finally made me aware of what Hurricane Sandy did. Yeah, I make jokes about how my ex named Sandy(i) was more scary that the Hurricane but so many shore towns including hers got hit VERY hard so the joke is lame. I lost power but many people lost their homes. And it wasn't just second homes. Many of the humble towns on the Bayshore area on the south side of Raritan Bay in New Jersey.
Ahh, Let's get to the city. It was the first signs of civilization I saw in three days. I stopped at an outlet at the Port Authority to charge my phone. I then ate at Popeyes and took a long walk around in the hours I was to meet up with my friend. It didn't at first seem like New York City suffered much. I walked to the east side and saw the same kind of tree damage that my area got. Mature trees fallen over. The east side of Manhattan in the Mid-town area was out of power east of 3rd Avenue. I also kinda took in some of the area that was mentioned in the Ayn Rand book. I wanted to take in what environment the Randians were exposed to that inspired their weird views. I walked westward to Jim Hanley's comic book store and bided my time before I hopefully run into my friend or friends at Foley's on 33rd street. I saw TV for the first time in days. Silent CNN was on one of the TVs and it focused on Staten Island and what damage happened there. I had a few beers waiting and enjoying comfort before it got dark. My friend wasn't able to make it, Understood. I was mildly disappointed but she would get more disappointed in the coming days when the Marathon she was to run in was cancelled. I headed back to the bus station.
Meanwhile I spent more time charging my phone in the Port Authority while I called my mom at her place. She only lost power for a few hours on Monday, Before I did as a matter of fact. I called my dad at the hospital where he was doing therapy after a mild stroke. By the time I got done my phone was fully charged. I purposely waited until dark before I left so I can get a panoramic view of who got their power back. The bus I took was not the usual one. The 114 is usually packed when I go into the city. It was near empty. So New Jersey Transit consolidated service and I rode the 117 which would drop me off a longer walking distance from my house. I saw some lights on and I wasn't hearing generators. This could be good news! It was! Some people go their power back! When I approached downtown Union, It was official. Most of the power was back on and some businesses were running at near full force. I stopped at the newly re-opened Quick-Chek to have my first cup of coffee in three days. It was okay because I had to settle fro non-dairy creamer. The place was crazy crowded with a slew of people hanging out outside. I left drinking my coffee, however when I got closer to my house it was apparent my street hasn't gotten their power back including my house. It was dark and I sat outside on my porch smoking a cigar I found in my overcoat. It was getting colder and I had to work the next day. My upstairs neighbor expressed concern about my staying in the house. But I don't live near anybody I can crash with and besides I want to be home when the power comes on. I went to bed, It was past 9PM.
Friday November 2, 2012: I woke up early again because I got plenty of sleep once again. I was scouting out the area for the local gas stations to see if they were opened. I have to go to work but I need gas. I got coffee, walked around and went back home and took a snooze. I woke up to my alarm at 8AM and found that the gas station has a big enough backup that may make it run out of gas before I get there and thus waste my time.
I got ready for work and left early in hopes to see gas stations on the way with shorter lines. I thought with the power getting back on would make the gas station lines that are open shorter. The only gas stations on Rt. 22 opened were on the other side of the road and the lines were long. So my next plan is to go to the gas station on the airport grounds. No line but there were a bunch of orange cones that steered me away. I went down Rt. 1-9 and saw the same long lines that stretched in all directions that made it confusing to figure out if it was worth going in. People I knew were talking about 2, 3 hour waits. I didn't have that time and certainly not that patience, So I just went to work.
Work was a bit of a relief. A sense of normalcy I was missing the last few days. My supervisor came in a few hours later announcing about a "voucher" program that made the gas available to Newark Airport employees. Since he's a d-bag he didn't make it clear what we needed to do, the time we needed to go, and who was eligible. I was able to catch up on some news. One the stories was about a gas rationing plan in New Jersey that involves getting gas on an odd/even license number basis. I got good news from my upstairs neighbor at work. Our power was finally back on. Well, I was hoping to go out to Jersey City but with no gas and the urge to enjoy my fully electrified house again, I put it aside.
So after I punched out, I walked over to the gas station to see what's what. No on was clear on how you get gas. They said I needed a voucher. The upper management of my job said I needed only to show ID. Now the police were patrolling the gas stations and people who worked at the airport were being turned away. Even people with "vouchers". I said screw it, I'll try a different route home and hope that I'll find an open gas station. It was 11pm and any open gas station had long lines. I also made the mistake in going through dark neighborhoods and got detoured from familiar streets by the storm damage. I was able to get home but vowed I wasn't going to drive my car for the rest of my work week until I would easily get gas. I was thankful for the power and the fact I was able to watch "Seven Year Itch" on TCM.
Saturday November 3, 2012: So I woke up early again and my cable was out. No biggie, I just listened to my i-tunes. The gas station in my neighborhood ran out of gas. I made a radical decision, I'm going to WALK to work. I'm not far from the airport. But it is a long walk. I gave myself a two and a half window. It was a nice day, So the walk was pleasant enough. But it was long. Two hours long. I walked into the parking lot where we take a shuttle bus. I felt I was taking a grandstand move by "sticking it to the man and not sit on their slave lines man waiting to purchase their glory juice."
But in reality, With the election coming up I was concerned about the future. No matter who won, We would still be VERY dependent on oil and could be easily shackled to the elite few when we start to run out of it. 5 days after a hurricane that didn't damage the infrastructure up by me and people are going to Pennsylvania to get gas. That seemed too absurd but people were getting in desperate straits. The behavior of the public was getting frazzled and desperate. I didn't want to play the game. I like to think I'm made of stronger stuff. So I walked and my back hurt most of my workday.
And work has been smooth. The airport was shut down for only Monday. I now work at a section of the airport where we only have to screen 5 flights that go overseas. That meant we didn't have to catch up on Saturday. A friend from my old shift worked in my section and I bummed a ride off him close to my home. All day I was obsessed about the route I would use to walk home. In the day time the area wasn't so bad. At night though the areas I would walk would be dicey. My reasoning was to walk down 1-9 by all the gas stations and police to bask in security. But the darkness would hide some of the damage danger so a bummed ride was VERY appreciated. But I wouldn't bum him again. I needed to beat "the man". So I decided to ride my bicycle the next two days. My cable was back on and I watched some old movies on TCM. The nights are starting to get cold.
Sunday November 4, 2012: It's Sunday and for the first time in nearly a week I was able to get my coffee from Quick-Chek the way I wanted. With Half and Half and Redi-Whip. Riding my bicycle to work allowed me to leave a little later. I decreased my window to two hours and was shocked how fast I got there. 40 minutes. I put the top part of my uniform in my backpack and layered myself well on my ride. This gave me time to purchase the Sunday New York Times and read in comfort before I started my shift.
The work went well and my bike ride home was fine except the blacked out areas. You see I haven't ridden my bicycle in the dark in years and I had not lights for my bike. It was cold and I was layered well. I'm glad I got my heat back.
I stopped at the Mark Twain diner for a late dinner. They had the TV on to Sunday Night Football and watched in pleasure the Dallas Cowboys losing. My burger and fries were not good. I attributed to the hurricane closing the place for a few days. I scouted out the Sunoco on the Parkway and saw the lines were long but getting shorter. If I waited until midnight I can get gas but I opted not to. that can wait. Oh well, almost back to normal.
Monday November 5, 2012: The last day I'm covering in this posting. My cable was out again. It seems like it was like a radio broadcast from Akron Ohio. It only worked at night. I didn't really make any effort to spot any gas stations opened in the morning. I was fine with the bicycle riding for one more day before my weekend.
Work went smooth and when I rode home I saw the Sunoco with no line. I asked if they had a good supply of gas before I got home. When I got home I drove my car to the gas station but was detoured by the cones unto the Parkway where I paid a toll and had a hard time getting back to it. It seemed like an extremely long ride. I was so sure if I drove more than 2 miles I'd run out of gas. But I got detoured trying to get back. I didn't see any other gas stations opened. I was panicking. To add insult to injury, it was humid and my glasses kept getting fogged up big time affecting my eye sight.
I detoured to Rt. 22 and saw the Hess station was opened on the other side. Unfortunately it was only the store that was open. No gas. I decided to head home before I ran out but found myself drawn to the Parkway ramp where there was a flashing sign flashing about the odd/even restrictions. That was a indication that I found the correct entrance to the gas station. Police were patrolling it but were noticeably less stringent than in previous days. I finally got the gas. I went to the diner to celebrate. The burger and fries were great. Now I feel I'm back to normal.
Like I said I got lucky.
The Blog of Ramblings, Grumblings,Stumblings, Comics, and Opinions, Both Informed and Uninformed.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Post Election Cartoons
So, With the election here and gone, I wanted to show my characters reacting to the results. I've always wanted to do a cartoon based on this punchline for years. Didn't know how to do it without it seeming lamely dated. The election gave me the opportunity to use it.
The problem? I didn't know who was going to win.
The solution? Do two cartoons with a setup that is different and still able to use the same punchline.
I only needed to do the first panel twice. The characters second panel reactions fits no matter what the first panel shows. I'm proud of that. Now, I'm super glad that President Obama won the election but I feel that the cartoon in which Mitt Romney "wins" is better drawn and a better fit.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Another Pipe Dreams cartoon!
This is a common complaint from me. It's not how I'm not rich but how I can have what would be a good salary and finding that basic needs are out of financial reach most of the time. The cost of housing always exceeds the cost of living, Especially in the NYC area. So this is just my own lament how a modest sized apartment could be so out of reach to some one who makes an average salary.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Politics Is Coming
I read a comment section that featured the term "Romnunism" I thought it good enough to steal to make this "bumper sticker". Dumb Meme?
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
New Pipe Dreams.
Anyone who reads my blog knows I'm a tried and true liberal. So that means I'm definitely not for Mitt Romney. Much of this has to do with his business experience. I'm not against anyone who becomes successful, just how and what they do after their success.
Romney's main business experience was forming Bain Capital as a side company from Bain & Co. Bain & Co. was a venture capital company that invested money in up and coming businesses whereas Bain Capital is a Private Equity company that finds struggling businesses and takes them over to make it run more efficient. Most of the time that means losses in jobs, pensions and 30% of the time the loss of the business.
Bain Capital was part of the hostile takeover fad that was prevalent in the 1980s. Many companies with decades of history was gone after hiring Bain Capital to fix up things. A lot of the jobs were outsourced to other countries or just disappeared.
The one that stuck in my craw was KB Toys. It was a toy store in pretty much every mall in the country. I liked it better than Toys R Us and part of any visit to the mall would involve me going into a KB Toys. Bain Capital came to the "rescue" when it was struggling and soon it struggled more and finally went out of business.
This is a joke based on the "one issue" voter. My man Buck is a flexible voter and thought Romney would make a good choice. But he's a toy collector and was appalled he is supporting a guy whose company put KB Toys out of business.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
You Built That? Maybe, But You Didn't Do That On Your Own...
Isn't it cute how the Republicans took a quote by President Obama out of context and made it a constant theme at their convention and ads?
It's even funnier when they drag people who say "I (We) Built That!" only to find out that not only did they NOT build that on their own but are dependent on the government for contracts to keep their business going.
But here we are at the Republican National Convention listening to the standard bearers of the Republican party talk about how they did it themselves with no help at the same time they mention how they and their family USE government programs like Social Security and Medicare to help them get along.
But it goes beyond that. Social Security and Medicare are programs most people support but the standard bearers of the convention even got handouts from the government that they didn't even need and took credit like they did it themselves. Here are four examples done up in "Inspirational Poster"
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Dumb Meme?
This is one I made up from stealing from someone else's image. I did the bad photoshopping of Bush and the text. It just needs to be said.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Dumb Meme If You Don't Want To Reveal What You Really Are.
So why is THIS a dumb meme? Basically, If you are spreading it around, You basically revealing you're a racist.
How? Well, Some white people have had a hard time dealing with the fact that Trayvon Martin got a lot of publicity on his death. For once the Mainstream Media Focused on a killing of someone who wasn't a young blonde female.
To recap: Trayvon Martin was an unarmed 17-year-old teenager walking in the The Retreat at Twin Lakes gated community on the night of February 27th 2012. He was pursued by George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old man with a criminal record who ironically who participates in a neighborhood watch where Martin was temporarily staying.
Zimmerman noticed Martin walking inside the community. Zimmerman called the police to report Martin's behavior as suspicious While still on the phone with the police dispatcher, Zimmerman left his vehicle and there was a fight, which ended with Zimmerman fatally shooting Martin once in the chest at close range.
For weeks, Not much was heard about the incident. Zimmerman was NOT arrested, nor was he charged. Trayvon's father hired a lawyer to investigate and to look into 9-11 calls. It turns out that Zimmerman's account was not consistent with the 9-11 calls and attention was FINALLY given to the case and it spread throughout the social media before the MSM took it on. Upon hearing about the news most people reacted with outrage over the fact a young unarmed black kid was shot by man with a criminal record who stalked him out on a rainy evening. And because like with Henry Louis Gates, Being black means that reporters will ask our president about the incident. Because, In case you haven't noticed President Obama
So President Obama being a man who doesn't dodge any question answered with the "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon." statement. A showing of empathy that is normal in a situation like that. Lord knows I can relate to the idea of being a teenager being pursued by an overzealous adult. It scares the crap out of me. Stranger Danger, man!
But some people had a problem with that. They had a problem with bogie men Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson asking for justice for Trayvon Martin and the arrest of a man who stalked and shot an unarmed juvenile. therefore they had to invent stories about Trayvon that somehow justify Zimmerman's shooting of him.
"He was in trouble with school"
"He was wearing a gangsta hoodie"
"He attacked Zimmerman first"
"He was on drugs"
"He was taller and older than the pictures in the paper"
Anything to invalidate his life. These people can't fathom the idea that a young black kid can be the VICTIM of an unjustified shooting by someone who wasn't black.
Hence the meme. It points out how a white woman got killed and the perps were three black men. And that it wasn't front page news. Actually it was, right in the days after the killing. That WASN'T the case with Trayvon Martin. Shades of Ann Coulter with her erroneous attack on the New York Times for not publishing Dale Earnhart's death on the front page. Also two of the perps were arrested immediately and the third one was captured after an intense manhunt.
In other words, The police did their job. They didn't bother asking whether Jacqueline Gardner attacked them first. The police didn't let them out without bail. They're in jail complete with mugshots. A horrible crime to be sure but I hardly think the people spreading the meme would be feeling the same way if the woman was black and the men were white. Just look at the comment section where this picture originated.
- three more niggers off to N.U. and the liberal press is afraid to call these thieving, murdering niggers out.
- May 24, 2012 1:49 PM
- From the article:
Timothy Sarcia, who police said was Gardner’s live-in boyfriend, told police he was inside their third-floor apartment when he heard heavy footsteps and a struggle in the hallway outside of his apartment door. Through the peephole, he saw a man putting a chokehold on Gardner. He called 911 and screamed for help, he told police.
When he opened the door, he found Gardner lying on the hallway floor unconscious.
Wowwwwww I'm speechless. This guy is a pussy. He didn't try to help his GF. He saw everything and he could have saved her. Where was his Smith and Western and his balls? Everyone needs to spread the word about this guy he shouldn't be able to ever get any female. This is just maddening and sooo sad. Indiana is a concealed and carry state. These foul beasts are traveling outside their ghettos more and more, nowhere is safe. It doesn't matter what you do to keep them out (high property values, expensive rentals, reduced public transit) they can still find a way. And they wonder why we racially profile whe they are in out areas. - May 24, 2012 2:01 PM
- Her fucking Boyfreind sounds like a PUSSY I wonder if He was WHITE?
- May 24, 2012 2:08 PM
- The reason there is no outrage is because this type of behavior is expected from niggers.
- May 24, 2012 2:18 PM
- Day-Um, ShavedShortCock....
At least learn to read. Da Po-Lice charged deze Mudda-Fuggahs!!
Didn't release them like they did jo' Mama!!! - May 24, 2012 2:19 PM
- Shoot to kill.simple as that.
- May 24, 2012 2:34 PM
- If Obama had 3 sons they'd all act like this.
- May 24, 2012 2:35 PM
- Very sad story.
Merrillville, a once all-white, nice, middle-class suburb has become inundated over the last decade or so by The Beast. The same fate that's befallen so many once nice (and safe) southern suburbs of Chicago.
At some point Whitey is going to run out of places to flee to, then the real shitstorm will come. - May 24, 2012 2:38 PM
- Communist/Democrat/Socialist Owned and operated Mainstream News Media only reports what fits its Agenda, and the fagbama Regime's Agenda. Completely Biased reporting. Boycott them and their Sponsors and support FOX NEWS and their Sponsors. If a business/Company advertises on both FOX and the Lame-stream News, BOYCOTT THEM.
- May 24, 2012 2:41 PM
- war its time for a war
- May 24, 2012 2:45 PM
- Too bad I wasn't her boyfriend.
All three of those apes would have been gut-shot with a 45ACP 1911.
Then I would have dragged all three outside the building, doused them with gas, and had an old-time COON FRY. - May 24, 2012 2:53 PM
- Fuck you & the rest of your Niggers are dead.try a race war.we will pile your bodies up in the various lakes and rivers nigger
- May 24, 2012 3:07 PM
- This why you need to keep on reporting Shaved, the truth can only be suppressed by the media for so long.
- May 24, 2012 3:15 PM
I say kill three at random to even this out. - May 24, 2012 3:16 PM
- Fuck all niggers!!!!!! I have a way to eliminate this useless race. From now on, every nigger baby that's born they should neuter every single one of them. That way this useless race will be gone little by little and the world will finally be a better place. The country will be crime free and it will be out of debt too.
- May 24, 2012 3:30 PM
- The nigger is the scourge of civilization.
Note how many posters were attacking her boyfriend who was the father of her second child. They seem to have a problem with an unarmed man not going after three armed men. And yet many Trayvon haters had a problem with Trayvon defending HIMSELF from an armed man.
Yup, That's the kinda people Trayvon Martin and President Obama haters are associated with. Your racism and hate are pretty much out in the open.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Hit and Run Numbskull
Look at this piece of drivel I got as a message through my facebook page:
- So your telling me that another 4 years of obama is a good idea? That's like saying lets raise the titanic so it can hit the ice berg again. He had his 4 and spent to much time reafing about marx and being part of the socalist party and golfing to do any thing good for this country. 4 more years of this clown and were fucked. Incase u missed the memo this country is worse off in the last 4 years then all of bushes 8.
16 hours agoJim Gorman- And if u think I'm wrong then u have spent to much time in doors watching msnbc.
I have no clue who this uneducated moron is but he sure as hell went off and hid away in a way that I couldn't reply to him.
So let me take his questions one at a time.
So your telling me that another 4 years of obama is a good idea?
Absolutely! BTW It's President Obama, Learn to capitalize last names when you address our president. When the race is between Mitt Romney and President Obama it's no contest. Mitt as governor of Massachusetts, He brought down its state rank to number 47, Out of FIFTY. That's Mississippi territory buddy. You want people to chant "We're Number 47!" "We're Number 47!" "We're Number 47!"?
That's like saying lets raise the titanic so it can hit the ice berg again.
You described going back to Bush economics to a "t". After all, Bush already smashed the economy in 2008 like the Titanic (capitalization) and President Obama raised it again and now you want a second iceberg (BTW, It's one word not two) named Mitt to sick the economy AGAIN?!
He had his 4 and spent to much time reafing about marx and being part of the socalist party and golfing to do any thing good for this country.
He had his 4 what? Meals a day? Spent too (not to) much time reafing? What the hell is reafing? about Marx? (Capital letters on proper names please) Who, Groucho? Being part of a Southern California party? Huh? Dude, what have you been smoking? He may play golf almost as much as Bush but at least he got Bin Laden and saved the economy.
4 more years of this clown and were fucked.
You said it. We WERE fucked after four more years of that clown Bush. Or did you forget a punctuation somewhere? You shouldn't type angry. Although that's impossible for most conservatives.
Incase u missed the memo this country is worse off in the last 4 years then all of bushes 8.
In case is two words not one. I don't do text speak, I'm an adult. No, I'm afraid we are in much better shape then we were in 2008. Stock market is way up from the day Bush left office. Gas prices have NOT hit the record highs it set under Bush. The unemployment rate and the deficit has been steady since 2009. Bush nearly TRIPLED the unemployment rate. Likewise Romney in Massachusetts. Wars are ending, Bin Laden is dead, An American auto maker is the top seller in the world again after falling behind under Bush AND Reagan. Things are pretty good despite the Republicans obstruction and Fox News propaganda that seems to have brainwashed you.
And if u think I'm wrong then u have spent to much time in doors watching msnbc.
I know one place you DIDN'T spend too much time in and that is classrooms. Unless you you actually think I spend too much time inside of actual doors. That would make you really weird dude....and (yawn) on the msnbc reference, A channel I don't watch because I watch regular TV. But that's pretty much the sheep followers of Fox News would predictably say.
OBAMA/BIDEN 2012! Let's keep this recovery going, No more Bushenomics!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Dumb Memes....
Why is this meme dumb? DUH! Not one billion dollar business was started in any garage never mind MY parents garage under Reagan. However, several were started under Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. As a matter of fact Apple FIRED Steve Jobs during the Reagan years and their fortunes plummeted. Under Obama? Apple only became THE most successful business in the world. AND the added bonus that the biggest auto manufacturer in the world is once again an AMERICAN company under Obama. When did the US lose that title? Do I have to ask? It was under Reagan. He was too busy tripling the debt and deficits.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
I whipped this up using bits and pieces of an older cartoon. I wanted to get this out quickly enough to comment on the shootings while the news is still relevant. I actually heard someone blame Obama for the fact the shooter was unemployed and thus went on his shooting spree. The person was a business owner who of course wants tax breaks, So it wasn't a stretch to come up with this punchline.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
More Dumb memes
Some people have a hard time with what President Obama said in regards to doing things by themselves. Even taken out of context it's the truth. Especially when it comes to Mitt Romney. Born rich to a man who would not have been rich if it wasn't for the government taking the initiative top build roads for the auto industry that made Mitt's dad rich.
And let's look at the cartoon. It doesn't even mention government.
Listen you brat, It was your Dad's money that helped you built your lemonade stand, You didn't develop the plastic vessels that make sure your lemonade is contained. You didn't grow the lemons nor did you process the sugar that make up your lemonade. You didn't grow the trees that make up your pathetic stand nor did you forge the nails that barely hold it together. And that water? Clean fresh water thanks to the government that didn't bow down to private sector's demand to drill into an aquifer to mine it for nefarious purposes and poisoned it.
So you foul mouth runt, You just be thankful for all the help you got and don't get your nappies in a bunch because some man wiser than you speaks the truth.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Another Dumb meme.
One "joy" about being on facebook is that you find out that the people you grew up with weren't the exactly the enlightened people you thought they might be. I guess many of the people I grew up with never grew OUT of their narrow world view and they want the world to know it.
So you get stuff like the meme above.
Obama: Gone !Okay, We get it. You hate President Obama and you want Mitt Romney to take over?
Borders: closed, eh? Well, The guy you hate is done more to close the borders than any Republican president ever. I don't see it improving with the guy whose dad was BORN south of the border because his granddad hated the American laws that stated marriage is between one man and one woman. Of course the people who cry out most about not allowing immigrations are at best third generation Americans from Italy, Germany, Ireland and other European countries who didn't have to do nearly as much to become a citizen of the US as people now. I guess they got theirs, screw the rest.
Language: English! Okay, Again many of our relatives from previous generations never learned English when they were here. Heck they couldn't even write anything beyond an "x" or a "o" but yet they were allowed to become Americans. These people who insist on English only are just revealing their own LACK of abilities to know more than one language and usually they haven't mastered even that. Newsflash, Most speak Spanish know English, they being Americans like the freedom to speak however they want. But good luck trying to open a business and thriving without knowing Spanish if you need to hire cheap laborers.We shouldn't dumb down the nation because you chose to be ignorant. So don't be so jealous of those who can speak a different language like French speaking Mitt Romney.
Culture: Constitution and the Bill of Right! Uhhh, I don't see how the foundation of our government has much to do with culture. But okay let's look at the first amendment to that Constitution. Freedom of Speech! Only if it's English? A lot of right wingers also talk about how certain things are not ALLOWED under the Constitution. I think they confuse the Constitution with the Bible and the Bill of Rights with the Ten Commandments. C'Mon people, it's the Bill of RIGHTS not the Bill of RULES. So why the right wingers wig out when people look to EXPAND our rights I don't get.
Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Testing before Welfare! Ahh, yes it amuses me to see people who were "burn outs" in high school lecture us on drug testing. Even more amusing how they call themselves fiscally responsible with these plans when every plan to drug test people costs a heck of a lot more money than giving out welfare without testing. I won't point out the unfairness of it because conservatives think it's wrong to do that until of course when they may find themselves answering to their own drug history including tobacco.
No Freebies to: Non Citizens! uhhh, what "freebies" would that be? Emergency room treatment? Sooooo we'll let EVERYONE sit and wait in the Emergency room while we try to figure out if they're legal. "Whoa whoa whoa don't treat that white guy, He may be Canadian!"
Balanced Budget: Under a Republican? Good luck, It's been over a half century since they have presented a balanced budget. Bush nearly doubled the DEBT in his time and still has the record for highest deficit after inheriting a record SURPLUS from Clinton. Reagan tripled the debt and he couldn't use war as an excuse. Bush merely took the war off the books and it still hit record numbers.
Tax Reform: Hey I agree with that one. We've had this disastrous conservative tax structure for about 30 years and I think we need to go back to a tax structure similar to JFK's that conservatives like to point out as being ideal. Of course they only like it because JFK's was a cut from Eisenhower. What they DON'T tell you it was from 91% down to 70% for top earners. Conservatives like to say you can't start businesses with a high tax rate but some notable companies got their start when the tax rates were over 70% for top earners and thrived too. You might have heard of them: Apple, Microsoft, McDonalds, Starbucks, Target, Whole Foods, and yes even Wal-freakin-Mart!
Oh, you don't want THAT kinda reform. Moving on...
Term Limits for Congress and Senators: Seems appealing but let's face it, It takes away our right to support the guy we like. I don't like term limits for Presidents either. I want Reagan to run in 1988 and lose and Bush to run in 2008 and lose and of course I woulda been happy if Clinton ran in 2000 and won. Sure politicians are useless but taking away our voting rights is not the way to go.
86% will send this on, Should be 100%: oops, Sorry to ruin the curve. I didn't send it or 'share' it. However I committed on it so that should count. Still, They are desperate to get the word out so they resort to intimidation to shame you into it. I doubt they follow it up but I get the feeling in the future someone is gonna unfriend me or guilt trip me cuz I didn't turn my profile pic pink in support of awareness of breast cancer. Sorry, I'm an independent thinker.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Oh Mittens....
Once again we have a Republican who is disgracing his father's name. First we had George Bush Jr. saying his father did not "finish the job" in Iraq and starting his own war that turned out to be a disaster. Now we have Mitt Romney dishonoring HIS father by not following his precedent in revealing a decade worth of tax records to prove he's worhty of being president.
What are you hiding Mitt? I'm sure it's all LEGAL.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
New Pipe Dreams
This is one of the ones that proved difficult to execute. Pipe Dreams tends to work best as a four panel or less strip but every once in a while I have to resort to awkward looking five panel strips. This takes time and the results aren't that great. Still like ti though.
Monday, July 09, 2012
Dumb Memes That Get Around
Being on facebook gets you familiar with friends old and new and their peculiar interests and points of view. Some times people point out their political point of view. Some are informed opinions, Others are funny zingers, still others are hateful rants with false information and still others are just dumb that makes no point other than that some people REALLY hate President Obama.
This one is in the fourth category.
"Barack Ollama". This one got posted by a guy who I grew up with in my redneck hometown. He linked it from "Can a Goat Get More Fans than Barack Obama?". Okay why a site named after a goat (?) would put Barack Obama as a LLAMA, I dunno. He thinks it's clever?
What's the joke? President Obama is a llama? Tell me why it's funny other than the old time style racist "humor" of demeaning black folks as animals?
"Oh it's not racism, I didn't compare him to a monkey!"
This is typical of the rampart racism that racists like to to pretend is not racism that has exploded since President Obama took office. It's a pathological hatred that goes way beyond typical partisan bickering. People getting way too upset about things that they didn't care about before he took office. Like the deficit, that is less than Bush's record high, tax rates that haven't gone up, and guns that haven't been taken away. It don't matter. As long as they can blame Obama, It don't matter that the facts say otherwise.
But this picture is so dumb. I guess they think it's a pun on his last name but it offers no harsh truth of his character or style. A llama?
I don't get it.
Sunday, July 01, 2012
New Pipe Dreams
I-Pads have become the most similar alternative to the daily newspaper to read articles. That's where this comes in...
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Friday, June 01, 2012
New Pipe Dreams Cartoon!!!!
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Lottery Windfall! |
Sorry for the lack of entries recently but the uploading of new posts is annoying at best. This cartoon is about my work place and how people like to pool together all their money together in hopes that it would increase their odds. Still every once in awhile a winner comes up. 3 dollars with 30 people pooled together. It happened in my work place with 20 people playing 5 bucks in. They "won" a 3 dollar.
Monday, May 07, 2012
New Pipe Dreams Cartoon
Didn't turn out as good as I hoped. It's a current feeling I have in regards to rich guys and being tired of them whining about taxes when they are hardly paying their fair share.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
I Love The Internets
I love the internets. I'm watching the movie "Brief Encounter" on TCM. A scene occurs that has the lonely woman walks the streets, I hear a familiar song. Very sad. It sounds so much like "All By Myself" by Eric Carmen. So I went to Wikipedia to look up "Brief Encounter" found that the song playing is Piano Concerto No. 2 by Rachmaninoff. I found out the song's melody was indeed used for the melody of "All By Myself"
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
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