I was busy on Wednesday in NYC with my buddies to put in my weekly karaoke entry. I felt amiss because I easily had the best time doing it since I have been back in Jersey.
The theme of the night was T-Rex. Though not all the songs were T-Rex related. I started the night with the T-Rex song "Children Of The Revolution" again. I try not to repeat myself but I just had to do it in tribute to the Jack's crowd of college students that were back from summer break. I sang it well, but I felt the crowd wasn't into it that much. Here's vintage videos, I couldn't chose just one:

This one seems to be the official promo:

...and this one is from "Top Of The Pops"
Anyway, On my second song I decided that I should do a more contemporary song either from the 90's or from whatever the name of this decade is. I chose the White Stripes song "Fell in Love with a Girl" Even though the song is in a higher register than I'm used to doing, I do it well. It's a crowd pleaser because of its rapid staccato delivery. What I didn't realize was the lyrics feature the words:
Red hair with a curl mellow roll for the flavor and the eyes for peeping can't keep away from the girl 
You see one of the women at Jack's was celebrating a birthday and I was checking her out and she happens to have red hair with a slight curl. While waiting to sing again we were exchanging eye contact that was inviting. will I muster up the courage to speak to her? tune in after checking out these videos of the White Stripes:

So, I went back to the T-Rex theme with the song "All The Young Dudes" by Mott the Hoople. It's a song written by David Bowie that gives a shout out to T-Rex in its lyrics. The crowd was festive enough to join in the chorus. I went back to the woman in red hair after singing it and she asked me to sing a song for her. What's the song? Tune in after this vintage clip from Mott The Hoople:

So, I get back to my object of affection. Sigh? Anyway, she points out to a song. I was dreading that she would pick something lame like Journey. I was reading it upside down and could have sworn she pointed to the group Madness. I thought, okayyy, "Our House " is a good song but kinda familiar but nooo, she actually pointed to the song "House Of Fun". Now, that's a different song if ever there was one. I remember the video on an HBO video show back before I got MTV. I didn't think Americans knew the song, especially someone who was going to Monmouth University. I thought wow, this girl has some taste! I was happy because I had never done the song before but there was a problem. I didn't remember the song as much as I thought. I flubbed a bit more than I like to, but I didn't think she cared. We talked afterwards in a "
Nick and Nora" like exchange. Oh, this is going to be good. Here's the video that lives up to the song's title:

So, the night went well, I found out she was in fact older than the usual Jack's crowd. A plus for me. Take it one step at a time and who knows. She's beautiful though. Please God, Don't let this be a tease.
Anyway, I sang one more time and went back to the T-Rex theme. The Who's first album after the death of their drummer Keith Moon featured the great song "You Better, You Bet" It does a shout out to T-Rex too. this time the song was written after Mark Bolan's death. So, it has a nostalgic ring to the days of the early 70's, somewhat melancholy. The video is part of a series of black and white videos that the Who made to promote the album "Face Dances" It's a great song and I was surprised how much the crowd was into it.