Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tuesdays With Stevie

For the past two plus years I've had to accept the fact that I've had Tuesdays and Wednesdays off which means as a single guy I have to figure our places to go and things to do so I can have some enjoyment in my life. the days are easily occupied when the weather is nice. I ride my bicycle a lot exploring the surrounding areas of where I chose to live. I do this because my fat ass needs the exercise. I find it the most pleasurable way to do so.

Finding something to do that's fun in the evening presents a challenge, especially in the suburbs. I still have yet to find a Monday night activity nearby here in Union, NJ. Back in Seattle I had no problem finding something to do on a Monday or for that matter any day of the week. I could go to NYC but I would have to make sure I finish before the last bus leaves at around 12:30.

Right when the party gets rolling.

My favorite bar activity in recent years has bee karaoke. It was something I picked up in Seattle after a nasty breakup left me with no friends in the vicinity of where I was. So karaoke was what I came up with to meet new people. Since I can sing better than most participants, I got over my shyness in meeting people.

New Jersey is not a great place for karaoke. The stereotype of karaoke bars as being tacky, sad places are represented here. I found one that was good at the shore. Good host, Great selection of songs and a crowd that leaned on the local college crowd. After I moved up north, the haul down to Mad Hatter's was too long that I had to find a new venue. Most karaoke close to Union are on the weekends after 10 at night which is impractical for someone who gets up at 4AM.

I tried some places up here that wasn't up to snuff, so I would spend many Tuesdays down the shore, A hour plus ride. I found one place in Jersey City that did karaoke on Tuesdays called O'Connell's that I thought was okay but didn't warm up to it on my first visit.

But then I figured out something else to do on Tuesdays. I joined up a group called that is kinda like but it's a group gathering. I joined one groups that got together for board game nights which I find great but occurs only on a monthly basis. Then it dawned on me. What have I been wanting to do for almost 15 years but was too lazy and forgetful?

Drawing sessions using a live model.

I found one that did it on Tuesdays at Paul Vincent studios in Hoboken. Ten bucks gets you three hours of short to long poses. Any medium of your choice and the encouragement to BYOB. I bring two micro beers I buy at Super Buy Rite. And it's like I'm back in SVA classes minus the indoor smoking. Every model has been great and I get that great feeling of satisfaction in seeing my results.

The sessions are over at 10PM. An ideal time for those who work during the week. Also, It is early enough to head to O'Connell's where I have warmed up to the crowd there. It's a more cosmopolitan crowd than I would find in other bars. A great bartender named Sue who has to endure my need for her to dig deep in the fridge to grab whatever obscure beer I request from her.

I'm hoping that some of my friends would find themselves wanting to do either one of these events I do. They're fun.

Tuesdays with Stevie.

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