The Blog of Ramblings, Grumblings,Stumblings, Comics, and Opinions, Both Informed and Uninformed.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
You Built That? Maybe, But You Didn't Do That On Your Own...
Isn't it cute how the Republicans took a quote by President Obama out of context and made it a constant theme at their convention and ads?
It's even funnier when they drag people who say "I (We) Built That!" only to find out that not only did they NOT build that on their own but are dependent on the government for contracts to keep their business going.
But here we are at the Republican National Convention listening to the standard bearers of the Republican party talk about how they did it themselves with no help at the same time they mention how they and their family USE government programs like Social Security and Medicare to help them get along.
But it goes beyond that. Social Security and Medicare are programs most people support but the standard bearers of the convention even got handouts from the government that they didn't even need and took credit like they did it themselves. Here are four examples done up in "Inspirational Poster"
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Dumb Meme?
This is one I made up from stealing from someone else's image. I did the bad photoshopping of Bush and the text. It just needs to be said.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Dumb Meme If You Don't Want To Reveal What You Really Are.
So why is THIS a dumb meme? Basically, If you are spreading it around, You basically revealing you're a racist.
How? Well, Some white people have had a hard time dealing with the fact that Trayvon Martin got a lot of publicity on his death. For once the Mainstream Media Focused on a killing of someone who wasn't a young blonde female.
To recap: Trayvon Martin was an unarmed 17-year-old teenager walking in the The Retreat at Twin Lakes gated community on the night of February 27th 2012. He was pursued by George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old man with a criminal record who ironically who participates in a neighborhood watch where Martin was temporarily staying.
Zimmerman noticed Martin walking inside the community. Zimmerman called the police to report Martin's behavior as suspicious While still on the phone with the police dispatcher, Zimmerman left his vehicle and there was a fight, which ended with Zimmerman fatally shooting Martin once in the chest at close range.
For weeks, Not much was heard about the incident. Zimmerman was NOT arrested, nor was he charged. Trayvon's father hired a lawyer to investigate and to look into 9-11 calls. It turns out that Zimmerman's account was not consistent with the 9-11 calls and attention was FINALLY given to the case and it spread throughout the social media before the MSM took it on. Upon hearing about the news most people reacted with outrage over the fact a young unarmed black kid was shot by man with a criminal record who stalked him out on a rainy evening. And because like with Henry Louis Gates, Being black means that reporters will ask our president about the incident. Because, In case you haven't noticed President Obama
So President Obama being a man who doesn't dodge any question answered with the "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon." statement. A showing of empathy that is normal in a situation like that. Lord knows I can relate to the idea of being a teenager being pursued by an overzealous adult. It scares the crap out of me. Stranger Danger, man!
But some people had a problem with that. They had a problem with bogie men Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson asking for justice for Trayvon Martin and the arrest of a man who stalked and shot an unarmed juvenile. therefore they had to invent stories about Trayvon that somehow justify Zimmerman's shooting of him.
"He was in trouble with school"
"He was wearing a gangsta hoodie"
"He attacked Zimmerman first"
"He was on drugs"
"He was taller and older than the pictures in the paper"
Anything to invalidate his life. These people can't fathom the idea that a young black kid can be the VICTIM of an unjustified shooting by someone who wasn't black.
Hence the meme. It points out how a white woman got killed and the perps were three black men. And that it wasn't front page news. Actually it was, right in the days after the killing. That WASN'T the case with Trayvon Martin. Shades of Ann Coulter with her erroneous attack on the New York Times for not publishing Dale Earnhart's death on the front page. Also two of the perps were arrested immediately and the third one was captured after an intense manhunt.
In other words, The police did their job. They didn't bother asking whether Jacqueline Gardner attacked them first. The police didn't let them out without bail. They're in jail complete with mugshots. A horrible crime to be sure but I hardly think the people spreading the meme would be feeling the same way if the woman was black and the men were white. Just look at the comment section where this picture originated.
- three more niggers off to N.U. and the liberal press is afraid to call these thieving, murdering niggers out.
- May 24, 2012 1:49 PM
- From the article:
Timothy Sarcia, who police said was Gardner’s live-in boyfriend, told police he was inside their third-floor apartment when he heard heavy footsteps and a struggle in the hallway outside of his apartment door. Through the peephole, he saw a man putting a chokehold on Gardner. He called 911 and screamed for help, he told police.
When he opened the door, he found Gardner lying on the hallway floor unconscious.
Wowwwwww I'm speechless. This guy is a pussy. He didn't try to help his GF. He saw everything and he could have saved her. Where was his Smith and Western and his balls? Everyone needs to spread the word about this guy he shouldn't be able to ever get any female. This is just maddening and sooo sad. Indiana is a concealed and carry state. These foul beasts are traveling outside their ghettos more and more, nowhere is safe. It doesn't matter what you do to keep them out (high property values, expensive rentals, reduced public transit) they can still find a way. And they wonder why we racially profile whe they are in out areas. - May 24, 2012 2:01 PM
- Her fucking Boyfreind sounds like a PUSSY I wonder if He was WHITE?
- May 24, 2012 2:08 PM
- The reason there is no outrage is because this type of behavior is expected from niggers.
- May 24, 2012 2:18 PM
- Day-Um, ShavedShortCock....
At least learn to read. Da Po-Lice charged deze Mudda-Fuggahs!!
Didn't release them like they did jo' Mama!!! - May 24, 2012 2:19 PM
- Shoot to kill.simple as that.
- May 24, 2012 2:34 PM
- If Obama had 3 sons they'd all act like this.
- May 24, 2012 2:35 PM
- Very sad story.
Merrillville, a once all-white, nice, middle-class suburb has become inundated over the last decade or so by The Beast. The same fate that's befallen so many once nice (and safe) southern suburbs of Chicago.
At some point Whitey is going to run out of places to flee to, then the real shitstorm will come. - May 24, 2012 2:38 PM
- Communist/Democrat/Socialist Owned and operated Mainstream News Media only reports what fits its Agenda, and the fagbama Regime's Agenda. Completely Biased reporting. Boycott them and their Sponsors and support FOX NEWS and their Sponsors. If a business/Company advertises on both FOX and the Lame-stream News, BOYCOTT THEM.
- May 24, 2012 2:41 PM
- war its time for a war
- May 24, 2012 2:45 PM
- Too bad I wasn't her boyfriend.
All three of those apes would have been gut-shot with a 45ACP 1911.
Then I would have dragged all three outside the building, doused them with gas, and had an old-time COON FRY. - May 24, 2012 2:53 PM
- Fuck you & the rest of your Niggers are dead.try a race war.we will pile your bodies up in the various lakes and rivers nigger
- May 24, 2012 3:07 PM
- This why you need to keep on reporting Shaved, the truth can only be suppressed by the media for so long.
- May 24, 2012 3:15 PM
I say kill three at random to even this out. - May 24, 2012 3:16 PM
- Fuck all niggers!!!!!! I have a way to eliminate this useless race. From now on, every nigger baby that's born they should neuter every single one of them. That way this useless race will be gone little by little and the world will finally be a better place. The country will be crime free and it will be out of debt too.
- May 24, 2012 3:30 PM
- The nigger is the scourge of civilization.
Note how many posters were attacking her boyfriend who was the father of her second child. They seem to have a problem with an unarmed man not going after three armed men. And yet many Trayvon haters had a problem with Trayvon defending HIMSELF from an armed man.
Yup, That's the kinda people Trayvon Martin and President Obama haters are associated with. Your racism and hate are pretty much out in the open.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Hit and Run Numbskull
Look at this piece of drivel I got as a message through my facebook page:
- So your telling me that another 4 years of obama is a good idea? That's like saying lets raise the titanic so it can hit the ice berg again. He had his 4 and spent to much time reafing about marx and being part of the socalist party and golfing to do any thing good for this country. 4 more years of this clown and were fucked. Incase u missed the memo this country is worse off in the last 4 years then all of bushes 8.
16 hours agoJim Gorman- And if u think I'm wrong then u have spent to much time in doors watching msnbc.
I have no clue who this uneducated moron is but he sure as hell went off and hid away in a way that I couldn't reply to him.
So let me take his questions one at a time.
So your telling me that another 4 years of obama is a good idea?
Absolutely! BTW It's President Obama, Learn to capitalize last names when you address our president. When the race is between Mitt Romney and President Obama it's no contest. Mitt as governor of Massachusetts, He brought down its state rank to number 47, Out of FIFTY. That's Mississippi territory buddy. You want people to chant "We're Number 47!" "We're Number 47!" "We're Number 47!"?
That's like saying lets raise the titanic so it can hit the ice berg again.
You described going back to Bush economics to a "t". After all, Bush already smashed the economy in 2008 like the Titanic (capitalization) and President Obama raised it again and now you want a second iceberg (BTW, It's one word not two) named Mitt to sick the economy AGAIN?!
He had his 4 and spent to much time reafing about marx and being part of the socalist party and golfing to do any thing good for this country.
He had his 4 what? Meals a day? Spent too (not to) much time reafing? What the hell is reafing? about Marx? (Capital letters on proper names please) Who, Groucho? Being part of a Southern California party? Huh? Dude, what have you been smoking? He may play golf almost as much as Bush but at least he got Bin Laden and saved the economy.
4 more years of this clown and were fucked.
You said it. We WERE fucked after four more years of that clown Bush. Or did you forget a punctuation somewhere? You shouldn't type angry. Although that's impossible for most conservatives.
Incase u missed the memo this country is worse off in the last 4 years then all of bushes 8.
In case is two words not one. I don't do text speak, I'm an adult. No, I'm afraid we are in much better shape then we were in 2008. Stock market is way up from the day Bush left office. Gas prices have NOT hit the record highs it set under Bush. The unemployment rate and the deficit has been steady since 2009. Bush nearly TRIPLED the unemployment rate. Likewise Romney in Massachusetts. Wars are ending, Bin Laden is dead, An American auto maker is the top seller in the world again after falling behind under Bush AND Reagan. Things are pretty good despite the Republicans obstruction and Fox News propaganda that seems to have brainwashed you.
And if u think I'm wrong then u have spent to much time in doors watching msnbc.
I know one place you DIDN'T spend too much time in and that is classrooms. Unless you you actually think I spend too much time inside of actual doors. That would make you really weird dude....and (yawn) on the msnbc reference, A channel I don't watch because I watch regular TV. But that's pretty much the sheep followers of Fox News would predictably say.
OBAMA/BIDEN 2012! Let's keep this recovery going, No more Bushenomics!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Dumb Memes....
Why is this meme dumb? DUH! Not one billion dollar business was started in any garage never mind MY parents garage under Reagan. However, several were started under Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. As a matter of fact Apple FIRED Steve Jobs during the Reagan years and their fortunes plummeted. Under Obama? Apple only became THE most successful business in the world. AND the added bonus that the biggest auto manufacturer in the world is once again an AMERICAN company under Obama. When did the US lose that title? Do I have to ask? It was under Reagan. He was too busy tripling the debt and deficits.
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