Saturday, September 30, 2006

Trying to get back into my art.

I am a cartoonist who is closer to expiring than aspiring. I find myself out of work again so I get ideas of doing a new set of strips. I finished a set in May but I was unsatisfied with the results. I did not give to friends nor did I mail it out to syndicates. I wonder if I should pack it all in. However, I haven't found myself fortunate enough to find something different that pays well so the dream continues...

1 comment:

AlNickerson said...

Well, you shouldn’t give up on your comics if you enjoy making your comics. I knew early on that I wanted to work in comics. So, there was no stopping me. You just have to keep doing it. Don’t let no one tell you otherwise.

You have a great wealth of PIPEDREAMS material available. Maybe you can post them as a webcomic or self-publish through a print-on-demand printer like ComiXpress? Getting a fan-base going is important. So, going either of these routes might be a good idea.

I enjoy PIPEDREAMS. I always have. Is the last batch you gave me the May set that you were referring to? I loved the line, "You put your clothes back on!" Heh...